No matter how to count the global market share or in pop culture. The India has made a name for itself as the world’s leader in the outsourcing of back-office processes. In the next 10 years it will be change. As long as people have, the strategy of the outsourcing has been around. The definition of the outsourcing has never changed in the history of the mankind. For the Greeks, if people were a blacksmith or ironsmith making tools 3,000 years ago and people felt someday that it could be polish the weapons. It is about the giving away the noncore work to be done more efficiently by the others.
India is so good as a nation, it has a lot of people who are very good at what they do. They have all the layers of the manpower. Be it a million of the people who can man call-centers and more effectively explain things or the programmers who can program better or the banking experts who can form industry specific knowledge or the engineers who can design wings and the engineers airplanes. India is so good compared to any country in the world, if you compared even to China which produces a similar engineers that India enjoys a huge manpower in each bloc.
The changing demands for the outsourced labor, is the type of work that gets outsourced is largely defined by the client companies, it is mainly a Western companies offloading activities. The evolution of the outsourcing will continue to be driven by the changes in demand although the demand is changing. The companies are becoming far more aggressive about how much they outsource. The companies of the future will only be interested in acquiring customers. The west-east geographic pattern is dissipating as India rises in the global economy. The demand for the outsourcing is increasing, the labor supply is tightening up and the regions like the Eastern Europe are working to become outsourcing hubs. The company will be harder to guess who is the clients and who is the provider based on the country.
In the challenge that the great opportunity for the India is shifting landscape. The biggest hurdle remaining is in leadership, since the India’s clients have always been an Information Technology, they never looked outside their comfort zone to learn how to deal with the other stakeholders. In order to move up the value chain they must learn how to communicate and work with the other businesses and to understand every aspect of the business. The additional challenges that will be faced as more markets that offer outsourcing. The goal of developing a robust front-end outsourcing industry need not mean discarding the back-end .