In the New Delhi, the big firm has 50 staff from a wholly owned subsidiary. The facility might appear to resemble the Indian operations of Integreon, the outsourcing partner of the Mallesons Stephen Jaques. Both of the offer big saving for clients ranging from the 30 percent to 50 percent. Both of the operations are staffed by some of the India’s top law graduates and they are both work only on the foreign legal work for the international clients. While the Integrion works for a range of the companies and a global law firms.
The Knowledge Center offers a broad range of the services for all the parts of the Clifford Chance empire. The fledgling Australian operation that opened on May 1. Some of the firms Australian clients had already agreed to have some of the work done in India. The agreement came after the firm explained how it had addressed the three issues. The conflicts were not limited to the traditional concept of not working on both sides of a dispute. The real issue is that with the organizations that had to decide whose work to do first. In India, the Integreion which has 200 legally qualified has addressed the questions by establishing a high security offices that work closely with the clients law firms and corporate legal departments.
The Clifford Chance Chose even close integration by launching the wholly owned Knowledge Center and and introducing the two way secondment and supervision by senior lawyers. From the perspective of the clients, the operations is invisible as the law firm remains their only point of contract. The cost savings have helped broaden its services from document review and discovery to industry research and some of the more complex areas of the legal practice. Because of the limited areas of the Australian practice. The Australian work undertaken in New Delhi was unlikely to extend to the full range of the services available.
The areas in which the Indian office has provided the support for the firm are quite extensive and surprisingly high level practice areas, the things like asset finance, securitization, carbon trading, mergers and acquisitions, derivatives, real estate as well as the competition and regulatory. The Australian practice had not used the Indian office for the large-scale discovery but it was likely to do so. The savings are quite significant. They need to look at the costs that they charge out someone in India compared to what they usually charge out a paralegal or the junior lawyer for.
Launching the company’s partnership with the Malles, Integrion Chief Executive Bob Gogel stated that the company focused on the routine process-driven work usually undertaken by the junior lawyers. Over the years that they picked up that it is something that can be offshored, giving the law firms are more of an opportunity to do what they want to do wherein the practice and advise of their clients is there. The first Australian law firm to unveil the outsourcing arrangements is the Milestone. Outsourcing is very broad now. More and more companies all over the world want to outsource. Outsourcing really helps the industry and the economy.