It is an inherent quality of man to seek faster, easier and even more cost effective solutions, hence inventions such as the cellular phone, MP4 player, Internet Browser and the rise of services including the outsourcing. The sales are no exception, with the constant pressure of gaining more sales and increasing revenues for the companies. Most have prescribed to shortcuts to the sales process in an effort to alleviate the pressure. In the outbound presales process, leads are essential without which there can be no outbound sales. The companies can choose to either buy the leads or to generate the leads. In comparing the two methods of obtaining leads however one can see that there are numerous pros and cons between the use and it becomes a choice between what is the benefit that would choose over another.
The Quick and Easy over long and tedious, to generate leads is to have a speed. By just simply buying leads from the hundred or so companies online. The lead generation requires time, effort and manpower in order to obtain contact information. In order to shave some time of the lead generation efforts, a smart move would be to first create qualifiers of the companies that will target. Determine which companies would most likely avail the services. To consider criteria including industry, revenue as well as who inside the company should be targeting.
In the quality over quantity, the companies who sell leads can offer millions of contacts for a certain price. The risk of getting contact information for companies whom people and company would actually not benefit from contracting would be high. In investing on the lead generation on the other hand, would afford the ability to pre-qualify the leads. In the industry, a good time saver for lead generation would be to find listings that already have the criteria including as lists of the top companies in the industry or list of accredited companies for an industry are targeting. Utilizing powerful social media tools such as Linked din can save time since it can filter out searches based on different criteria such as locations and industry. Looking for has a linkedin profile, then it will show up on the company profile page.
In the fresh over recycled, with buying leads there is always the risk of getting recycled leads wherein these lists have already been sold to the other companies. Turn to call the contact, they will have already been exasperated by the number of calls they have received that they will no longer have the patience to listen to the sales pitch. The rigid over flexible, by buying pre-set leads are in effect buying a product as is. Any modification in the requirement or if people find that there are some information that do not require will not be handled by the company whom bought the leads.